
Part of Peter Cusack’s Lee Valley Project – The Week of Small Miracles. Myself and Rupert Carey hired the Robin Hood function room for an exhibition resulting from our ongoing investigation of ghostly phenomena. We collected ghost stories and information for publication.

“The Week of Small Miracles is a Millennium project curated by Peter Cusack and produced by the London Musicians’ Collective, realised in and around North London’s River Lee. This event celebrates the unique, often bizarre, geography, culture and history of the people in the Lee Valley area. It is a collaboration between artists across the media; performance, writing, visual art, sound/music, video and participatory events. There will be an exhibition, Colourscape music, the Small Miracles free newspaper and website, an audio CD of Lea Valley sounds and stories, a treasure hunt and a boat travelling down the canal which converts into a cinema by night. Featuring Anna Best; John Bisset; Rupert Carey; Peter Cusack; Simon Faithfull; Ella Gibbs; Mss Producers; Viv Corringham; John Wynne; Jeff Higley; Tomoko Takahashi; and Colourscape.”


Friday 1st September 200 6pm – 11pm 2nd – 9th September 2000 11am – 11pm at The Robin Hood, 11 High Hill Ferry, Upper Clapton E5


Collaboration with Rupert Carey.

Bicycling performance, video and photographic installation in the Robin Hood Pub Clapton.

Maurice Grosse, paranormal investigator.

Ghost costume anoraks created by Jane Singleton.


Watch documentation here